Ever since three years ago when the cult of Virology burst upon the scene as the protagonist … an ever-growing number of physicians, healers, and insatiably and incorrigibly curious people like myself have been scrutinizing the practices and methodologies of the virologist priests
Disease-causing Viruses Don’t Exist Says Biologist Lanka–Vindicated in Germany’s Highest Courts
Control experiments conducted by an independent German laboratory during the Bardens vs. Lanka measles virus trials of 2015-2016 confirm that the assumption that “viruses cause disease” has no scientific basis.
Uniting the Last Real Anarchists
Though much of the international anarchist movement has collapsed into abject inanity, do not despair: there are still some real anarchists out there!
Ted Kaczynski Tried to Warn Us
Will the social engineers of the future use social engineering tools such as social credit scores and social impact finance to co-create a more equitable and just world? Or are all of the buzzwords simply another mask for the next stage of colonialist-corporate-capitalism?
Letter to a Holocaust Denier
“Oh, things seeped through somehow, always quietly, always indirectly. So people heard rumors, and the rest they could guess. Of course, most people did not believe the stories of Jews or other opponents of the regime. It was naturally thought that such persons would all exaggerate.”
COVID Jabs: Ineffective, Oppressive and Dangerous
There is no moral, legal or logical argument for mandatory vaccination. The only logical argument, from a public health perspective, would be either to reduce the spread of infection or reduce the impact on health services via some other mechanism. We will explore the evidence which shows that the COVID-19 supposed “vaccines” are incapable of achieving either.
Transhumanism = Eugenics
During a change, some things change but others can stay the same, whereas metamorphosis is a total and radical transformation which affects everything that makes up the human being and everything living. This metamorphosis, once complete,will be irreversible.
Illiberalism, Science and Anti-Science
1/Illiberals have a strange relationship with science. It seems that they decided at some point that science was on their side. Strangely, illiberals assume that […]