The Great Reset (aka Build Back Better, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, the New Normal, the Green New Deal or the New Deal for Nature) is an attempted global capitalist coup on a scale never before imagined. It is a bid by an ultra-wealthy clique to take total control over every aspect of our world, our lives and our bodies.
The future they have lined up for us is a fascist transhumanist hell in which freedom has been abolished and humans are merged with robots and turned into commodities for elite profit.
There is a massive overlap between those behind this insidious scheme and the Climate Capitalists whom we and others have previously exposed.
The scam is essentially the same: using a façade of combatting climate change, or a virus, or even social injustice, this criminal mafia intends to force us, our children, and our children’s children into a miserable future of slavery, while they install themselves as undisputed rulers of the world.
Their technological ‘solutions’ to the environmental crisis use the fig leaf of phoney #NetZero ‘sustainability’ to hide the toxic reality of spiralling economic ‘growth’ and profit.
The Great Reset will do nothing to help Mother Nature but will instead prop up and expand the very industrial capitalist system which is murdering her.
The more that people are aware of what this vile billionaire elite are really up to, the less chance they have of getting away with it, and we hope this ever-expanding collection of resources will help spread awareness and, therefore, resistance!
What are they trying to do to us?
We don’t want their Great Fascist Reset!
Resist the Fourth Industrial Repression!
The Great Reset: The Final Assault on the Living Planet, by Cory Morningstar.
A vile corporate conspiracy: exposing the Great Reset
Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset
What are they trying to do to us?
Great Reset: Three crucial readings
Deleting the Reset: The Imminent Struggle Ahead, by Kevin Smith
Schwab Family Values, by Johnny Vedmore.
Ronald Cohen, impact capitalism and the Great Reset
The Best Intentions of Sir Ronald Cohen: Building the Crypto-Corrals of Social Investment, by Raoul Diego.
Controlling the left: the impact edgenda
Divide, rule and profit: the intersectional impact racket
Shapers of slavery: the leadership
Shapers of slavery: the empire
Shapers of slavery: the awakening
Rob Hopkins: Transition to what?, by Paul Cudenec.
Dismantling tyranny, by Paul Cudenec.
IMPACTOR ALERT!, by Paul Cudenec.
Resist the Fourth Industrial Repression!
The Great Reset for Dummies, by Tessa Lena.
Pandemic, Meet Panopticon. Panopticon, Meet Pandemic, by Tessa Lena.
The Great Self-Betrayal and the Great Reset, by Tessa Lena
World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ Plan for Big Food Benefits Industry, Not People, by Jeremy Loffredo.
It’s not a Social Dilemma, it’s the calculated destruction of the social, by Cory Morningstar.
If the ‘Great Reset’ really is so good for us, let’s hold a referendum on it, so it can have a democratic mandate (or not), by Neil Clark.
Elite Transnational Fascism, by Ullrich Mies.
The Tyrant, by Ullrich Mies.
The Philanthro-capitalist empire of Bill Gates, by Manlio Masucci.
Who Voted In Davos? How Data-Driven Government and the Internet of Bodies Are Poised To Transform Smart Sustainable Cities Into Social Impact Prisons, by Alison McDowell.
Blockchain Education, A Ticket To Digital Serfdom, by Alison McDowell.
The Bits and Bytes of The Great Reset: COVID-19 and the Scaling Up of Data-Capitalism, by Raul Diego.
US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media, by Whitney Webb.
“Own Nothing and Be Happy”: The Great Reset’s Vision of the Future, by Colin Todhunter.
Resisting the ‘reset’ – a call to arms, by South Essex Radical Media.
Hybrid War Waged On the People – Building For The Great Reset By Exploiting The New COVID 19 Abnormal, by In This Together.
The New Normal: What is the UK Biosecurity State? (Part 1. Programmes and Regulations), by Simon Elmer.
The New Normal: What is the UK Biosecurity State? (Part 2. Normalising Fear), by Simon Elmer.
Cui Bono? The COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy’, by Simon Elmer.
The Catastrophic Costs of Complying, by Laura Hayes.
Fabricating a Pandemic – Who Could Organize It and Why, by Gregory Sinaisky.
You’re Being Conditioned to Live in a “Smart City” – Resist It, by Michael Krieger.
The Great Reset and the COVID pandemic, by Terence Corcoran.
The Great Pretext … for Dystopia, by Diana Johnstone.
The Covid-19 celebrity humanitarianism – Sean Penn and the Great Reset, funded by Bill Gates and the Clinton Foundation, by Vanessa Beeley.
Corrupt Science and Elite Power: Your Techno-Slavery Is Now Imminent, by Robert J. Burrowes.
Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?, by Dr Joseph Mercola.
Who Owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You’ll Never Guess, by Dr Joseph Mercola.
Analysis: Globalists’ reboot of the world and their plans for us, by Jacob Nordangård.
Connecting the dots between Covid-19 and the not so Great Reset, by John Slegers.
The Post Covid World, The WEF’s Diabolical Project: “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda” – After “The Great Reset”. A Horrifying Future, by Peter Koenig.
The Great Reset: The end of Capitalism as we know it, by Sean Stinson.
The Great Covid Class War, by Alex Gutentag.
Things Seen, by Julien Coupat et al.
The Mechanism of Invisible Empire, by Hiroyuki Hamada.
Ways to Counter the Total Enslavement of the World, by Roger Copple.
Covid, Cybnetics and the New Normal by Wrench in the Gears
More Reflections on the Great Reset, by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’, by Jacob Nordangård
How to track & trace every person, purchase, and protein on the planet & manipulate human behavior, by Tim Hinchliffe.
What I know (and don’t know) about SARS-CoV-2, by Edward Curtin.
The Great Reset & the The Fourth Industrial Revolution – video interview with Cory Morningstar
Your Guide to The Great Reset – Episode 387 of the Corbett Report
Operation Warp Speed — A Technocratic Chess Piece? Video with Dr Joseph Mercola and Whitney Webb.
The ugly face of the Great Reset: human capital bonds and internet of bodies. Alison McDowell video interview with Yogeeta Mistry.
Biometric Health Passports And The Panopticon, with Alison McDowell.
Dodcast #6: Alison McDowell. Interview by Luke Dodson.
Jason Bosch video interview with Julianne Romanello on moves by big tech to take over education, the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution, COVID-19 and more.
The New Model: Lifelong Learning, by Book of Ours.
What is the Great Reset?, with Del Bigtree and James Corbett.
Your Guide to the Great Monetary Reset, with James Corbett
Primer: The Ecology of Trust Mechanization – For the Fourth Industrial Revolution, by Wrong Kind of Green.
Build Back Better = The Great Reset, by Bearded Heretic.
The Global Elite & The Coronavirus Coup d’Etat, with Patrick Wood.
The Truth, by Book of Ours.
Purpose Messaging for Compliance and Social Engineering, with Cory Morningstar, Hiroyuki Hamada and Varun Mathur.
The Great Reset by COVID Klaus (animation).
Catherine Austin Fitts, full interview for ‘Planet Lockdown’.
Children of the Great Reset, by Jeff C.
The New Model: Resilient Cities, by Book of Ours.
The Great Reset – Dystopian Sci-Fi Short Film, by Zachary Denman.
The New Normal, by happen.network (alternative link)
The Great Reset: Conspiracy or Fact, by Russell Brand.
The Great Reset: Is Billionaire ‘Philanthropy’ Just Tax Avoidance, by Russell Brand.
The Ten Stages of Genocide, by Henna Maria.
The Pandemic of Panic, by Gunnar Kaiser and Milosz Matuschek.
Illana Rachel Daniel on the Great Reset in Israel.
Human Capital Finance Israel, by Alison McDowell, Shai Danon and Jason Bosch.
Tikkun Olam: Social Finance In Israel, by Alison McDowell and Shai Danon.
April 2021 interview with Reiner Fuellmich, by Jerm Warfare.
Meet the World Economic Forum, by James Corbett.
Monopoly: an overview of the Great Reset, by Tim Gielen.
Demystifying the 4th Industrial Revolution with Cory Morningstar
The Great Reset, The Green New Deal, and Co-opted NGOs will not End Climate Change!
Conversations with Cory Morningstar and Clive Spash, from Global Research.
The Great Reset and the future of the human species, with James Corbett.