What do we do?
The Stirrer project is committed to bringing about radical change. We do this using a mix of propaganda and practical action.
This takes the form of blogs, papers, pamphlets and leaflets. We’re not the kind of activists who write to score brownie points from other activists. We want to change the world and we’ll only do that if we get our message across to as many people as possible in an accessible way. Humour and calling truth to power are our stock in trade:) Our propaganda is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
We’ve built up a considerable amount of experience in writing, running blogs, producing and distributing printed propaganda. We’re more than happy to offer these services to any groups we work in partnership with.
Practical action
Basically, anything we have the resources for that will help a grassroots project make a difference in their neighbourhood. This ranges from neighbourhood clean ups through to preparing plots for the creation of community gardens. We’re happy to work alongside community groups on a project or work as a self contained unit on a specific task. Either way, so long as the job gets done and there’s a tangible benefit to the project at the end of a day’s graft, we’re happy.
Our ethos
We’re flexible, adaptable and everything we do is under constant review. If a project isn’t working, we’ll scrap it, learn the lessons from the experience and move onto something new and more productive.
Where we are on the Net
Stirrings from below – Blog: https://stirfrombelow.substack.com/
The Stirrer – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stirringsfrombelow
The Stirrer – Twitter: https://twitter.com/StirFromBelow