The global movement calling for action on climate change has captured the imagination and enthusiasm of thousands of people who care about the future of our world.
However, alarming evidence has emerged, suggesting that this movement is being manipulated by business interests who aim not to save the planet but to save capitalism, not to halt the environmental crisis but to profit from it, not to protect nature but to commodify it.
We don’t want the powerful positive energy of nature lovers and environmentalists to be shunted into the sterile dead end of “green capitalism”, used as a PR tool to make it easier for governments to raid our collective piggy banks and channel trillions of pounds and dollars into the pockets of venture capitalists who have leapt aboard the “climate justice” bandwagon in the hope of getting very rich.
For this reason we have put together this page of useful links, so people can study the evidence and come to their own conclusions.
See also our Great Reset page of links.
No Deal for Nature – Because Nature is not a Commodity. Campaign website.
No Deal for Nature- Because Nature is not a Commodity. Alternative website for above campaign.
Rebellion Extinction: a capitalist scam to hijack our resistance. An Acorn report.
So who exactly is Christiana Figueres? An Acorn report.
“The X Agenda”: what does XR actually stand for? An Acorn report.
Deepening our resistance, from Acorn 49.
Capitalist vultures target Jamaican sunshine, from Acorn 51.
Skin deep solutions & Greta and the story-tellers, from Acorn 52.
Greta Thunberg: the billionaires’ favourite, from Acorn 53.
Mobilising against the assault on nature, from Acorn 54.
X-axis: the money behind the greenwash, from Acorn 54.
When the state means business, from Acorn 55.
New Deal for Profits, from Acorn 55.
“The opposite of rebellion” – Paris activists slam XR leadership. An Acorn report.
Rob Hopkins: Transition to what?, by Paul Cudenec.
Sombre truths behind bright green lies, by Paul Cudenec
The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg for Consent, by Cory Morningstar.
Volume I
1. The Political Economy of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex.
2. The Inconvenient Truth Behind Youth Co-optation.
3. The Most Inconvenient Truth: “Capitalism is in Danger of Falling Apart”.
4. The House is On Fire! & the 100 Trillion Dollar Rescue.
5. The New Green Deal is the Trojan Horse for the Financialization of Nature.
6. A Decade of Social Manipulation for the Corporate Capture of Nature.
Volume II
1. A Design to Win: A Multi-Billion Dollar Investment.
2. Controlling the Narrative.
3. To Plunder What Little Remains: It’s Going To Be Tremendous.
4. For Consent: They Mean Business.
5. The Behavioural Change Project – “To Change Everything”.
6. Natural Climate Manipulations.
La fabbricazione di Greta Thunberg ai fini del consenso. Atto II
La fabbricazione di Greta Thunberg ai fini del consenso. Atto III
Die Erzeugung der Marke Greta Thunberg zur Erzielung von Zustimmung: Der Grüne New Deal ist das Trojanische Pferd für die Finanzialisierung der Natur, von Cory Morningstar
Extinction Rebellion training, or how to control radical resistance from the ‘obstructive left’, by Cory Morningstar.
Extinction Rebellion: Rebellion Against Whom?, by Benoît Tanguay.
The Devil is in the Details: A Closer Look at Extinction Rebellion, by Luke Dodson
In defense of Cory Morningstar’s Manufacturing For Consent Series, by Hiroyuki Hamada.
Cory Morningstar’s Manufacturing for Consent series in a nutshell. Twitter thread by Hiroyuki Hamada.
New Deal for Nature: Paying the Emperor to Fence the Wind, by Stephen Corry of Survival International.
Unpacking Extinction Rebellion — Part I: Net-zero Emissions, by Kim Hill.
Unpacking Extinction Rebellion — Part II: Goals and Tactics, by Kim Hill.
Unpacking Extinction Rebellion — Part III: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, by Kim Hill.
Unpacking Extinction Rebellion — Part IV: The Way Forward, by Kim Hill.
A Propos d’Extinction Rebellion — Partie I: zero emission nette, par Kim Hill.
A Propos d’Extinction Rebellion — Partie II: solutions et tactiques promues, par Kim Hill.
A Propos d’Extinction Rebellion — Partie III: La 4e révolution industrielle, par Kim Hill.
Lettre ouverte aux militant·e·s d’Extinction Rebellion, par collectif Désobéissance écolo Paris.
Extinction Rebellion : ni désobéissance, ni obéissance, mais servilité et crédulité – Paris Luttes.
Quelques heures sur le pont de la Concorde avec Extinction Rebellion – Paris Luttes.
Jutta Ditfurth zu Extinction Rebellion: „Irrationalismus einer Endzeit-Sekte“
Just Say No to Fake Action, by Art for Culture Change on Wrong Kind of Green.
Trees don’t grow on money – or why you don’t get to rebel against extinction, by Tim Hayward.
Extinction Rebellion: Socialist Revolution, by Simon Elmer, Architects for Social Housing.
Capitalising on Crisis: Extinction Rebellion and the Green New Deal for Capitalism, by Simon Elmer, Architects for Social Housing.
Empty Gestures, by the South Essex Heckler.
Greta Thunberg, PR and the “Climate Emergency”, by Brian Davey of The Foundation of the Economics of Sustainability.
Notes on the “Financialisation of Nature and Carbon Markets”, by Brian Davey.
Greta Thunberg, Green Barbarism and #ClimateStrike – Azhar Moideen on why “climate” activism is against the interests of the Indian working class.
Between the Devil and the Green New Deal, by Jasper Bernes in Commune magazine.
The Brutal Marriage of Capitalism and Conservation, by Jordan Lunness in The Commoner.
Entre le marteau et l’enclume du Green New Deal – French translation of Jasper Bernes article.
Entro o Diabo e o Green New Deal – Portuguese translation of Jasper Bernes article.
Entre la espada y el Green New Deal – Spanish translation of Jasper Bernes article.
Green New Deals – The Degrowth Perspective. Features links to some useful articles challenging “green growth”.
The climate movement: what next?, by Clive L. Spash, ecological economist.
Of ecosystems and economies: re-connecting economics with reality, by Clive L. Spash and Tone Smith.
Le mouvement climat, et après ?, par Clive L. Spash, économiste écologiste.
The Paris Agreement is a suicide pact – this is why, by Clive L. Spash.
Le capitalisme vert utilise Greta Thunberg, par Isabelle Attard.
Green capitalism is using Greta Thunberg, by Isabelle Attard (English translation)
‘Green growth’ won’t save the planet, by Oliver Taherzadeh and Benedict Probst in The Ecologist.
Towards a revolutionary ecology: an interview with Max Wilbert.
Wind energy development, conflict and resistance. Interview with Alexander Dunlap.
Monster megaprojects are consuming the world, by Alexander Dunlap.
Green capital and environmental “leaders” won’t save us, by Alexander Dunlap.
Surprise! Greta Thunberg BIOPIC reveals cameras were rolling from day one of her ‘viral’ rise, by Helen Buyniski
Sorpresa! La BioPic di Greta Thunberg rivela che le telecamere l’hanno ripresa fin dal primo giorno della sua ascesa “virale”. Italian translation of Helen Buyniski piece.
Android Wolves, Electric Sheep: Ecomodernism and The Rise of the Green Technocracy, by Symbiotic Culture.
Valuing nature. Twitter thread by Prof Sian Sullivan.
Podcast. For Your Consent: Climate Activism and the Financialization of Nature. Last Born in the Wilderness interview with Cory Morningstar.
Podcast. Saving the Earth or Saving Capitalism? The Inconvenient Truth Behind Today’s Youth Climate Campaigns. Global Research interview with Cory Morningstar.
Podcast. The Green New Deal Will Not Save Us. Jasper Bernes of Commune magazine talks to This Is Hell!
Podcast. Between the Devil and New Green Deal. Last Born in the Wilderness interview with Jasper Bernes.
Podcast. Rainforests ‘Worth More Alive Than Dead’ on living on earth.
Podcast. Act I: “Don’t Take Movements at Face Value: Reading Cory Morningstar’s Research into Environmental Activist Greta Thunberg”, created by Ghion Journal.
Podcast. Act II: “What Do We See When We See Earth? Reading Act II of Cory Morningstar’s Research into the NGO Industrial Complex”, created by Ghion Journal.
Podcast. Act III: “Making Money Off of Green Debt: Cory Morningstar Finds Corporate Wolves Behind Environmental Sheep”, created by Ghion Journal.
Podcast. Act IV. “How to Sell a Pretend Climate Movement: Reading Act IV of Cory Morningstar’s Series on the NGO Industrial Complex”, created by Ghion Journal.
Podcast. Act V: “The Green New Deal & What it Leaves Out: Reading Act V of Cory Morningstar’s Research”, created by Ghion Journal.
Podcast. Act VI. “A Decade of Social Manipulation for the Corporate Capture of Nature, Cory Morningstar”, created by Ghion Journal.
Podcast: Demystifying the 4th Industrial Revolution with Cory Morningstar
Video. Selling Extinction by Prolekult.
Video. Who runs Extinction Rebellion? Heiko Khoo reports.
Video. The truth about Extinction Rebellion, by 5G Awareness.
Video. Earth Trek: The Economics of the Future. On the commodification of life.
Video. A Message to Greta Thunberg and the Youth Climate Strikers from Charles Eisenstein.
Video. My alarm about Climate Change & Extinction Rebellion, by anarchist Andrew Flood on his new We Only Want the Earth YouTube channel.
Video. Andrew Flood: Violence, Non-violence and Extinction Rebellion.
Video. Ce qui cloche avec Greta Thunberg. Tatiana Ventôse sees through the hype.
Video. These Companies Are Making Profit From Saving The Planet. Banking Nature.
Video. On Impact Investing, Digital Identity and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, by Alison McDowell.
Video. Planet of the Humans, directed by Jeff Gibbs.