Nevermore Media comprises an international convergence of creatives committed to resisting tyranny and advancing freedom.
Paul Cudenec
Paul Cudenec is a contemporary anarchist writer who fits into the organic radical tradition. In 2020, he became known for his outspoken criticism of the totalitarianism being rolled out worldwide on the back of the COVID crisis.
Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice writes about media narratives, politics, psychology, propaganda, history, philosophy, language, film, art, music, literature, and culture at Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass.
The Stirrer
The Stirrer project is committed to bringing about radical change. We do this using a mix of propaganda and practical action. This takes the form of blogs, papers, pamphlets and leaflets.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis is the creator of In This Together. With a lifelong interest in politics and geopolitics, he’s passionate about writing and has scribbled away since he was a child.
Jordan Henderson
Jordan Henderson is an artist from the Northwest of the United States. He works in oil paint and charcoals. He says, “Painting isn’t just a method of visual communication, it is actually communicating with visions.“
John Duffy
John Duffy is an author, blogger, and podcaster from the American Midwest. He is also a veteran activist with deep connections to the grassroots environmental movement.
Mark Crispin Miller
Mark Crispin Miller is a Professor of Media, Culture, & Communication at New York University. He is the author of several books, including Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney’s New World Order and Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform.
Fernando Andacht
Fernando Andacht holds a PhD in Communication & Information from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; doctorate in philosophy (DrPhil) from Bergen University, Norway; MA in Linguistics from Ohio University; and Lic. en Letras from Universidad de la República, Montevideo.
Derrick Broze
Derrick Broze is a freelance investigative journalist, documentary filmmaker, author, and public speaker seeking to expose corruption, find solutions to the problems that affect all of humanity, and promote localization and decentralization.
James Corbett
An award-winning investigative journalist, James Corbett edits, webmasters, writes, produces, and hosts The Corbett Report, an independent, listener-supported alternative news source.
Whitney Webb
Whitney Webb has been a professional writer, researcher, and journalist since 2016. She has written for several websites and, from 2017 to 2020, was a staff writer and senior investigative reporter for Mint Press News.
Cory Morningstar
Cory Morningstar is a contemporary, independent, investigative journalist and writer. A key figure in exposing the corporate networks behind the “climate movement” and the associated Great Reset, she has been described as “almost certainly the most important living journalist in the world (next to Assange perhaps).”
Crow Qu’appelle
Crow Qu’appelle is the founder of Nevermore Media. He has contributed to various anarchist publications for years, including the Earth First! Journal, Slingshot, It’s Going Down, and Anarchist News, among others.
Nowick Gray
Nowick’s first exposure to anarchist thought came in an off-campus course at Dartmouth College taught by Claire Salinger. A westward journey to the end of the American Dream turned north to Canada, for a graduate degree in Can Lit at the University of Victoria, followed by three years of teaching in the Quebec Arctic.

Rozali Telbis
Rozali writes about society, technology, culture, propaganda, and more.
She has contributed to CounterPunch, Spiked, Dissident Voice, Peace magazine, among others.
Lately, you can find her at Plebity, a pro-free speech site from the leftist perspective, or here at Nevermore.

Lee Simpson
Lee Simpson is a freelance illustrator based in Newcastle UK, trading under the name Shot Hot Design.
Lee paints all sorts of weird and wonderful things, from the unspeakable horrors of H.P Lovecraft, to quirky comics and cute cartoons.