The influential French anarchist known as The Invisible Committee has released a manifesto entitled “Manifeste conspirationniste” in which they call for militant resistance to the techno-fascism Great Reset.
Sabotage! Rebels in France attack 5G
“Relay antennae are being torched, fibre-optic cables cut, pylons unbolted. During the night, people burn construction machinery, attack masts with disc cutters or destroy electrical equipment with sledgehammers”.
Activating the power of life
The first step is to see through its smokescreen of lies and distraction to grasp that the threat to our existence comes not from “the virus” but from the system using this as a device for its own corrupt ends.
France rises up against the new fascism
“Treated like fearful cattle, ever more controlled, divided and stripped of our freedoms, we are condemned by power to still further exploitation.”
Liberté ! Résistance! A photo-report from France
Emergency demonstrations were held in towns and cities across France on Wednesday July 14, 2021, as the state went full-fascist in imposing bio-security dictatorship.
A maze of political lies
by Paul Cudenec A strange thought crept into my head a couple of days after finishing my last article, Fascism: Three Brief Insights. There I had […]
“I didn’t even realize I had it.” 117-year-old nun survives Covid
A 117-year-old French nun who is believed to be Europe’s oldest person has survived COVID-19. The Gerontology Research Group, which validates details of people thought […]
Shocktroops of the New Fascism
What is the meaning of a “left” which actively supports everything that was previously associated with the right? In what way can we distinguish it from the right, other than by the self-righteous framing with which it presents the very same insidious life-denying agenda?