From Dave at Estuary Stirrings On Saturday 29 May, I attended a #UniteForFreedom anti-lockdown / anti-great reset protest in London – this was the write […]
Lately, much of the most insightful political analysis includes reference to “biofascism”, “biopower”, “biopolitics”, “the biosecurity state” and so on. These terms are new to […]
by Raminder Mulla Over the lockdown period, a number of theories on the future of our society have been advanced. Some of them revolve around […]
Why this lockdown fervour ties me in knots
By Raminder Mulla I’ve started feeling a gnawing, visceral sensation whenever people I talk to give support to harsh, coercive lockdown measures and the emerging […]
A day on the streets…
From Dave at Estuary Stirrings As promised, I went on the #UniteForFreedom anti-lockdown / anti great reset protest in London on Saturday May 29 armed […]
Us Vs. Them
It’s very simple, really. An ultra-rich, extremely powerful technocratic mafia is trying to enslave humankind for its own profit.
Why we have to gain control over the production of our food
essexheckler April 14, 2021 We recently published this post on our sister blog, Alternative Estuary (see the link in the sidebar): A sense of urgency […]
What are they trying to do to us?
Posted on March 29, 2021 by winter oak A brief overview (also available as printable pdf) Life has become very strange indeed for billions of […]
Anarchists and the Coronavirus
Posted on April 3, 2020 by winter oak Special report Moments of crisis like the one we are currently experiencing can allow us to see […]
Coronavirus Thoughtcrime
Posted on March 27, 2020 by winter oak It is hard to believe what has happened to our “liberal democratic” Western societies over recent days. […]
Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset
Orignally posted on October 5, 2020 by winter oak Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany, a police-state […]
Ten things we have learned during the Covid coup
(from Acorn #65) One potential positive from the whole Covid-19 debacle is that we have learned an incredible amount about the society in which we […]
Shocktroops of the New Fascism
What is the meaning of a “left” which actively supports everything that was previously associated with the right? In what way can we distinguish it from the right, other than by the self-righteous framing with which it presents the very same insidious life-denying agenda?
Recommended Readings
The following list was compiled by our friends over at Estuary Stirrings. Enjoy! 7 Reasons Why a Vaccine Passport (Pass, Certificate or Whatever They Want […]
Are you ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
( In the context of North American anarchism, surprisingly little has been written about the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The same cannot be said of the […]