What is really implied by the term “Public Health”? Often, it seems that the term is used to suggest that individual wishes, needs and desires must be subordinated in the interests of a greater good. Who determines this greater good? Certainly not you or I!
Toronto is a Police State
The Oxford dictionary defines “police state” thusly: “a country where people’s freedom, especially to travel and to express political opinions, is controlled by the government, with the help of the police”.
You Can’t be Anti-State & Pro-Lock-down – A response to “Anarchy, Lock-downs, and Crypto-Eugenics”
anarchism and any ideology promoting the implementation of draconian measures such as lock-downs and curfews are mutually exclusive, and that this should be self-evident. How can one both be against the state and in favour of state control?
‘Freedom’ deferred…
In an ideal world, freedom wouldn’t be for the government of the day to gift or deny us. Freedom should be our inalienable right as autonomous human beings. We live in a far from ideal world – not that any of us need reminding of that grim reality.
What are we actually up against?
’m writing this as an anarchist and in this piece, I reflect on and try to understand why the anarchist movement has, to put it bluntly, failed to step up to the plate when it comes to providing a pole of attraction for the many people who have found lockdown difficult and who have deep fears about the direction we’re heading in.
(U.K.) Breaking through the wall of power
“The powerful know that anti-lockdown resistance is equivalent to the French Yellow Vests. They are not protesting for abstract political reasons, they are fighting – peacefully for now – for their lives, their livelihoods, for their children and grandchildren – and they are not going away”.
Australia – Envy of the world or dystopian purgatory? by Markus Sprig As covid continues its inevitable spread across the globe, Australia remains a poster […]
(The following piece was written by our Croatian comrade, who previously authored this piece about a year of anti-lockdown organizing in Croatia. Check it out […]
Why this lockdown fervour ties me in knots
By Raminder Mulla I’ve started feeling a gnawing, visceral sensation whenever people I talk to give support to harsh, coercive lockdown measures and the emerging […]