por Darren Allen The Acorn 95 De vez en cuando se oye a la gente quejarse de estar “políticamente sin hogar”. Lo que suelen querer […]
¿Eres anarquista? ¡La respuesta puede sorprenderte!
Una nueva traducción de un ensayo clásico por David Graeber Hola, amigos: Para conmemorar el cuarto aniversario de la misteriosa muerte de David Graeber, he […]
Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, & Apologists – Part 7: The Apologist’s Playbook
This is the 7th and final installment of this essay series. Here is the itinerary of the final installment: It’s been a while since the […]
Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, & Apologists – Part 6: The Apologists Continued
This is the sixth, and penultimate, installment of the essay series, Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates and Apologists. These essays are a study of the vaccine debate […]
Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists – Part 5: The Apologists
This is the fifth installment of the essay series, Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates and Apologists. Here are the links to the earlier installments: Part 1 – […]
Spanish Death Data – Part 4 of Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists.
For many of the major diseases, including the deadliest diseases in Spain during the 20th century, there was no vaccination. For many other diseases the vaccine came after almost all the decline in mortality had already occurred; only for a small portion of the diseases are the relevant vaccines introduced in Spain before the majority of the decline in mortality had yet to occur.
Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists – Part 3 – The Red Herring: A tour of the Motte
This is the third installment of this essay series. You can read Part 1. The Evangelists at this link here, and Part 2. Apostasy at […]
The money behind the smears
by Paul Cudenec Back in 2020 I was on the receiving end of a lot of vitriol from so-called “anarchists” who objected to the fact that I refused […]
Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists: Part 2 – Apostasy
In Part 1 of this essay series we focused on the preaching of the Vaccine Evangelists. Now we will review the work of Vaccine Apostates […]
Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists: Part 1 – The Evangelists
Vaccine Evangelists preach, and have long been preaching, the doctrine of Salvation Through Vaccination in which they credit vaccines as having brought us deliverance from the high mortality rates, especially among infants and children in the 19th and early 20th centuries, caused by massive yearly numbers of deaths attributed to infectious diseases.
Taoism, Divinity and the New Anarchism
The first of Crow Qu’appelle’s conversations with Paul Cudenec from the booklet The New Anarchy: Truth, Nature, Beauty and Withness, free to download here, which now features a striking cover by […]
The WEF are life-hating liars
by Paul Cudenec I was delighted to be able to travel back to England for the first time in three years and take part in […]
The Great Racket
by Paul Cudenec My new book, The Great Racket: the ongoing development of the criminal global system, is a compilation of the more significant essays that I […]