Recognising our place in nature means an awareness of the passing of the seasons and the changes that brings. It’s about the celebrations and rituals that mark the passing of the year from the winter solstice, Imbolc, the spring equinox, Beltane, through to the summer solstice and back via the autumn equinox.
Attachment, connection and a search for meaning
Among the various currents of protest against the way the Covid situation was leveraged to accelerate the 4IR, there are those of us doing what we can to join the dots and understand what’s being done to us and why. In the process of doing that, a fair few of us have moved beyond the political labels we once had and we once, sometimes proudly, wore.
Smash vitaphobia!
Here already we are in the realm of separation, a lost awareness of our shared belonging with all that lives outside our personal experience, a psychological retreat into the narrowest and shallowest levels of identity which are defined in terms of what, and who, they are not.