Currently, Nevermore Media is soliciting reports from correspondents in different parts of the world about the political situation in their locales. Our intention is to create international dialogue between dissidents.
The main question that we would to ask is “What is the current Zeitgeist in your country as we enter Year 3 of the New (ab)Normal?”
Really, we want to encourage contributors to write from the heart, and so we will welcome submissions which address this question through whichever means each person deems fit, but here are some questions to offer some jumping-off points:
1) What is the general mood of the population in general as we enter Year 3 of the COVID era? Does it seem like a majority of people are buying the main narrative at this point?
2) What is the MSM narrative in your country at this point?
3) What percentage of the population is jabbed and how reliable do you think available data is at this point?
4) Are unjabbed people being vilified in the mainstream media? To what extent? (Give examples)
5) To what extent has segregation between Vaxxed and Unvaxxed been implemented?
6) Who is condemning segregation and the vilification of dissidents? (Activist groups, political tendencies, political parties, trade unions, religious organizations, minority cultures or subcultures, etc)
7) Are there protests against the New Normal (if there are, please include photos and/or short clips of protests)? Do these protests inspire you? What demands are they making (if any)? Are Leftists and anarchists participating in these protests or are they hostile to them?
8) Is there worsening political repression in your country? Have activists been imprisoned, charged criminally, targeted with smear campaigns, etc.? (Give examples)
9) What about the current moment inspires you? Do you have any examples of creative acts of resistance that you want the world to know about?
10) What do you want people in other countries to know about what’s going on in your country? We welcome submissions of any length, but suggest aiming for 500-1500 words. Shorter reports are more likely to be published in hard copy zines. We also request including photos and short video clips illustrative of the article and including recommended links.
Thank you for your consideration of this request! By comparing notes we can gain a clearer idea of what is going on in the world.
Nevermore Media

City: Melbourne, outer north area, where all the wogs like my grandparents moved to from the city in the 70’s. Apparently a new house was a big deal back then.
1: Rebellious, to covid and other stuff, like train tickets, and almost terminally online.
2: I hate watching that shit.
3: 94% according to official data, but you bet it’s fraud like the Census (They massively and deliberately underestimate the population of my city, because construction is how they make money) Ma said a Freudian slip showed 50%, and my cousin’s workplace stopped checking VaxID because there were too many obvious fakes and they needed their money.
4: Yeah, not as much as Canada, wouldn’t know much due to not watching the shit.
To what extent has segregation between Vaxxed and Unvaxxed been implemented?
It’s been toned down a tad, up until now they’re starting booster mandates. Need it for restaurants, jobs, events, this cool mafia-casino type place I found, fun-parks of all sorts.
6) Who is condemning segregation and the vilification of dissidents? (Activist groups, political tendencies, political parties, trade unions, religious organizations, minority cultures or subcultures, etc)
UAP (rich guys) LibDems, Reignite Democracy, and OneNation in the parties. UAP have the best winning shot, they have their billboards all over town. There’s also these “Greens” Assholes, they don’t support us, who ruined the CBD with their bike lanes. They need an extra-special FU.
7) yeah, check Marty Focker, Matt Lawson, Auditing Australia that I know of. Avi Yemini might/might not be controlled opposition, think it was more a miscommunication between him and the family member that met him (?) More will show up in recommendations from those guys. Not hostile at all towards Leftists, unless they were waving a hammer and sickle, which never happened. You see Aboriginal stuff, mostly a classical liberal kind of thing. OH, you mean the leftists hostile to the protestors? Yeah, there’s a fake leftist group called CARF (Campaign against Racism and Fascism) They put up their superglue posters all over town, which then get torn down as much as superglue lets you. I like comparing them to the whole “War is Peace” Thing in 1984.
8) Is there worsening political repression in your country? Have activists been imprisoned, charged criminally, targeted with smear campaigns, etc.? (Give examples)
Same old, Same old! Same stuff here since mid 2020, not much change for better or worse, as far as I know. (It’s pretty bad)
9) What about the current moment inspires you? Do you have any examples of creative acts of resistance that you want the world to know about?
Minor graffiti, vandalism of CARF posters. Once was somewhere I shouldn’t have been (nothing bad lol) and the cops were apparently too lazy to chase me. They guard the train stations like, well, I dunno, and that’s not counting the gun-toting ticket inspectors. I ain’t a showoff, but it’s anonymous so no matter. Inspiring? The huge numbers at one of the protests, and still big at the others.
10) I dunno, that’s most of it. I guess the fact that not all, probably not most, Aussies are sheep! Or at least in my neck of the woods. Oh, and that those claims you hear from “Australians” about ‘Nah, it’s not authoritarian here!’ Are lies. AND that Japanese working conditions aren’t shit, that’s CIA propaganda (No, I’m not a tankie) If you need to cut this short to fit it in, or make it look cleaner, tell me first I guess, if I don’t respond after some time include it anyway. Hope This is where I am supposed to send it.