When David Josef Volodzko proposed a letter exchange with me, I realized as soon as I read his first letter that this is someone with the intellectual acuity; breadth of literary, historical, and cultural knowledge; depth of character; and sheer writing talent capable of upholding the high standard I have established for my Dissident Dialogues series.
Readings on the ever deepening weirdness we’re in
So there you have it, three readings which I hope will shed more light on why we’re in the weird situation we’re in at this point in time. Some of us saw what was coming and exited the anarchist movement. Many sadly did not see what was coming and effectively allowed themselves to be captured.
Rites of the Tear-Downers
We are at a fragile moment in the life of the Resistance, and it seems people’s nerves and judgment are fraying the longer the war wears on. Pissants scatter dispiriting remarks about like litter. Fanatical contingents accuse anyone who holds a different view of being controlled opposition. Self-righteous inquisitors feel they have the right to tell you what you should and shouldn’t write about, how you should and shouldn’t spend your time. Purported allies ambush individuals of supreme integrity.
We don’t need ‘leaders’, ‘voices’ or false idols for our revolution
Anyone who paints themselves as an ‘outsider’ while broadcasting on platforms that reach millions is taking everyone else for a mug. They’re allowed to do this because they provide a safety valve for people to rally around, under the illusion that they’re actually part of something more oppositional.
Spanish Death Data – Part 4 of Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists.
For many of the major diseases, including the deadliest diseases in Spain during the 20th century, there was no vaccination. For many other diseases the vaccine came after almost all the decline in mortality had already occurred; only for a small portion of the diseases are the relevant vaccines introduced in Spain before the majority of the decline in mortality had yet to occur.
Phoney anti-fascists target the real thing
by Paul Cudenec More shocking evidence has emerged of the way in which genuine anti-system dissidents are being maliciously smeared and “cancelled” by pseudo-leftists with a […]
The people will prevail – with or without the left!
by Paul Cudenec A timely condemnation of the way a corrupted “left” is helping to impose the new global dictatorship has been issued by veteran US […]
How to Be an Upstander
I have taken pains to protect the identity of my saboteur [I’ll call her S] because—as will become evident when you read these exchanges—she appears to be suffering some sort of psychological crisis, and I don’t blame her but rather her mental illness. As such, I have substituted any terms that could be traced back to her posts and indicated these substitutions in brackets.
Free your mind – saying it with memes
Anything that can foster a climate of healthy scepticism and of questioning what’s being done to us and why it’s being done to us, is welcome in these weird and increasingly dystopian times.
The de-humanising shittiness of modern life
What this post is intended to do is cite a number of examples showing how the 4IR is not something that will happen at some point in the future, but a process that’s happening right now. A process that’s already impacting our daily lives.
A sense of unease
Are we heading for some kind of collapse? The more I and many others look at various aspects of the situation we’re in, the more we conclude that that really is the case.
The Narrow Road to Self-Government
by Nowick Gray Elect to govern yourself. “Democracy” is a sacred cow in political discourse, unquestioned as a form of government that promises fairness, equality, […]
Ode to a Whistleblower (Video Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg)
After Daniel Ellsberg passed away, I republished my poem Ode to a Whistleblower to honor his memory and further Dan’s dying wish to #FreeAssange. Then a couple of weeks ago, Diane Perlman asked if I would be willing to provide a video of myself reading this poem for the tribute she and her co-director Todd Pierce are organizing at the Whistleblower Summit on July 30, National Whistleblower Day.
Is a ‘climate lockdown’ coming?
With what feels like a distinct ramping up of the reporting of weather events and the meshing of that into the broader discussion about climate, it’s understandable that a number of people are starting to think that maybe there’s an agenda being played out’.
What Noam Chomsky Can Teach Us About Freedom of Speech
“If you believe in freedom of speech, you believe in freedom of speech for views you don’t like. Goebbels was in favor of freedom of speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re in favor of freedom of speech, that means you’re in favor of freedom of speech precisely for views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of freedom of speech.”
—Noam Chomsky
Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists – Part 3 – The Red Herring: A tour of the Motte
This is the third installment of this essay series. You can read Part 1. The Evangelists at this link here, and Part 2. Apostasy at […]
Piled high and stressed out – your dystopian future awaits you
Just what the f**k is it with megalomaniac council leaders and supporting the construction of high rise apartment blocks! Are they some sort of virility symbol, with more blocks going up conferring greater status!
BRICS in the wall of global greed
by Paul Cudenec When we think about the make-up of the global system, we tend to think in terms of nation-states like the USA, Britain, France […]