Former Club of Rome Director Dennis Lynn Meadows’s fantasies of a smart dictatorship are now being realized thanks to the wonders of biosurveillance technology, and Nazi-adjacent Klaus Schwab advisor/World Economic Forum (WEF) programmer Say-the-Quiet-Part-out-Loud Yuval Noah Harari can’t wait to tell you about it.
Change comes from the base
Action for change in our communities happens because residents see a need and have lost faith in the ability or willingness of the authorities to act. There are plenty of examples where residents are doing this without any prompt from a movement or an organisation.
“I am done with the left-right divide. It’s now the humans versus the deadly robotic corporate state”
Keith McHenry of Food Not Bombs is interviewed by Paul Cudenec Paul Cudenec: Thanks very much for agreeing to this exchange, Keith. It is very encouraging […]
Voice in the void
by Paul Cudenec My usual means of expressing myself has long been the written word, whether during my quarter of a century in newspaper journalism or […]
Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship: Part 1
A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation
If you’re the type of person who’s brimming with lovingkindness and thinks everyone is sunshine and daisies like you, you’re due for a crash course on tyrants and their enablers.
Lock yourselves down inside your homes! Break out the masks and prophylactic face-shields! Switch off what’s left of your critical faculties and prepare yourselves to “follow the Science!”
The calm before the storm?
Trying to keep on top of the multiple crises that are the component parts of the shitshow we’re having to endure at the moment is getting harder and harder. The temptation to zone out and try to live the best life we can under the circumstances can be pretty overwhelming at times.
Reflections on the First Year of Nevermore Media
“Do or do not do,” said Yoda, “there is no try.” I’ve been trying too long, and the time has come for me to shit or get off the pot. I’ve made my decision: I’m getting off the pot.
Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice
“We welcome the view of others. We seek a free flow of information across national boundaries and oceans, across iron curtains and stone walls. We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
—President John F. Kennedy
Using your fingerprint/face to pay for your shopping
Over the last couple of years, a number of people, including now former comrades, have told us we’re conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists? Really? Accurate forecasters would be more like it!
Letter to the US HHS Office of Global Affairs
“Governments do like epidemics, just the same way as they like war, really. It’s a chance to impose their will on us and get us all scared so that we huddle together and do what we’re told.”
—Dr. Damien Downing, President, British Society of Ecological Medicine
Some thoughts on resisting the Fourth Industrial Revolution
One of the key aspects of the 4IR that we’re dealing with is that of disassociation… That’s disassociation from nature which we’re supposed to be a part of but instead, have exploited to the point where it may not be able to properly sustain us in the future.
Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program
“Menticide is an old crime against the human mind and spirit but systematized anew. It is an organized system of psychological intervention and judicial perversion through which a powerful dictator can imprint his own opportunistic thoughts upon the minds of those he plans to use and destroy.”
Dialogue with a Curious Injectee
Something happened that I was beginning to think was as unlikely to occur as Bigfoot soaring in on a pegasus, sliding down a rainbow, and distributing the leprechauns’ gold stash to the 99 percent: a person who has been quadruple-jabbed and believes in the safety and efficacy of the injectable gene therapy product honestly asked me a question and engaged in a good-faith dialogue.
Resisting the Great Reset Without Being Scared
This story is about dealing with the bulldozer with grace and without fear. It is also about staying humble and not accidentally becoming the ugly thing we want to go away. There is a Great Reset context to all this—but first, I want to deal with the timeless.
The Ship is NOT Sinking
I think most people who read this newsletter are sympathetic to view that medical tyranny is just a subset of tyranny, so today I’m going to ruminate to my own demise and wade into my political and philosophical worldview (such as it is). I’m an anarchist. Gasp! Yes.
Eclipsed by the State: A Critical Look at Christian America
The pledge of allegiance is a similar ritual to Covid facemask wearing: it is a ritual of subservience to the state, and a ceremonial statement of belief and faith in the authorities.
Another World Exists Within Us
When we romanticise the past, are we projecting our hopes for the future on to it? Or is it a question of basing our dreams of the future on a mythologised romantic past?