Control experiments conducted by an independent German laboratory during the Bardens vs. Lanka measles virus trials of 2015-2016 confirm that the assumption that “viruses cause disease” has no scientific basis.
Against Church Burnings
“You must have no feelings or respect for elders or ancestors. A lot of us suffered, but this is not how we do things, and this is not our way.”
What is Anarcho-Perennialism?
“One of the main characteristics of any anarchist is having this strong sense of right and wrong, of being firmly committed to a set of values – even if those values are the opposite of those laid down by the prevailing culture.”
Dispatches from the New Normal Front: Sparring with the Belligerently Bamboozled
I spent Easter Sunday sparring with a Covidian on Twitter. I have consolidated our exchanges here for your amusement and education regarding the Covidian mind.
Charles’ Empire: The Royal Reset Riddle
by Winter Oak Charles the Great Resetter Global goals Impact imperialism Powerful players Banksters, cheats and spooks The bringer of light? Neo-colonial land-grabbing Shaping history […]
As part of this attack on our freedom and autonomy, vitaphobia makes us think that we are incapable of living without dependence on its “authorities”.
Letter to the California Legislature
I am writing to urge No votes on AB2098, SB1390, AB1797, SB1464, SB871, SB866, and SB1479, and part of a decalogue of medical tyranny bills (down to seven now that SB1184 passed on April 5 while AB 1993 and the HIPAA-violating SB 920 were pulled).
Letter to the WHO
My Response to the Question: “What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”
Multiplication Is Division
The more we attach labels to people to define them in terms of ethnicity, sexual preference or lifestyle choices, the more we risk losing sight of the essential insight that we are all human beings.
Fuck the Inquistion!
The occasional similarity in rhetoric between radical eco-anarchist thought and a certain strand of Nazi ideology has long provided a source ammunition for enemies of radical green thinking.
Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Propaganda (Part 4)
military operation” in Ukraine has been presented to us, in the West, as unprovoked and unjustified. We have not been told about Russia’s legitimate security concerns in the face of NATO expansionism.
Are You a Good German or a Badass German?
Time’s up. Pencils down. The first phase of the Obedience-Prison-Conformity experiment is over. How’d you do?
The End of Their World is the Beginning of Ours!
Anarchism is the antithesis to oppression, and for this reason the scourge of totalitarianism will give rise to a new generation of revolutionaries.
Can Vaccines Save Us?
In the first half of the 20th century, mortalities due to scarlet fever, measles, typhoid fever, whooping cough, and diptheria, continued to drop dramatically, ALL PRIOR to the development of any vaccines for these illnesses.
The New World Order Is Not an Antisemitic Trope
Some people believe that the NWO is a “Jewish plot to enslave humanity.” Very few people, who have researched and studied the NWO, share this view. It is not supported by the evidence.
Why are Pro-Compliance “Anarchists” Associating with a Known Intelligence Agent?
On March 8th, 2022, the U.K.-based Anarchist Federation published a post co-written by Alexander Reid Ross & Shane Burley. This is shocking, as Reid Ross has been exposed as an intelligence agent.
Winter of Love: Celebrating the Freedom Convoy
Although many pro-compliance leftists faithfully regurgitated state propaganda about Canada’s largest working-class rebellion in years, the Freedom Convoy will be remembered as a beautiful moment in the history of Britain’s coldest resource colony.
Ukraine War! What is it Good For? – Part 3 – The Nazi Agenda
Ukraine’s Nazi problem is unique. It is the only post WWII European state to have incorporated neo-Nazis into its national security infrastructure. It is also the only state where neo-Nazis hold the balance of power.