The Estuary Stirrer
This was the post I put up a week ago on Monday, July 19th, the day we supposedly got our freedom back: ‘Freedom Day’…what a joke that was… The reason I described the day as a joke was because of this announcement that was made at 5pm that day: Covid vaccine certificates to be compulsory for crowded venues in England. In the space of a week, when it comes to how vaccine passports will be applied and enforced, we’ve gone from this to university students needing them to attend lectures and stay in halls of residence: Covid vaccine passports: Students may need jabs for uni lectures or living in halls, No10 says and a third of the UK’s major companies considering making them compulsory: JABS A GOODUN Vaccine passports for Brit workers ‘being considered by a THIRD of major businesses’. There’s a fair bit of mission creep going on here, isn’t there?
Without wanting to reveal too much personal information, one of us had a chat with the practice nurse at the local surgery about getting the second jab. The nurse more or less admitted that without it, our lives would start to become a bit restricted – possibly more than a bit in fact. As we don’t drive, if it turns out that we need them for train travel, short or long distance, then we’ve pretty much got no choice but to have the second jab, regardless of our reservations about its safety, short and long term. That can only be described as coercion…
If anyone thinks that this stops with vaccine passports, they need to give their head a bit of a wobble. It’s all too easy for a digital vaccine passport to morph into a more general form of digital identity: The looming disaster of immunity passports and digital identity.
A number of commentators have suggested that the drive to get as many people jabbed as possible is not about the jab in and of itself. It’s about getting as many people signed up to vaccine passports as possible. The more people who have vaccine passports – digital and not just the card you get signed when you’re jabbed – the more viable the shift towards digital identity becomes.
It doesn’t stop with digital identity. At the height of the coronavirus crisis, because of fears of infection, there was a significant shift away from using cash in transactions and towards more use of cards and phone apps. That now appears to be a permanent shift. We have warned on more than a few occasions that this would bolster the efforts of those who want to push us towards a cashless society and economy. Well, in what has been a bit of a week, we have this: The Britcoin revolution! Rishi Sunak plans to introduce official digital currency to rival cash in ‘biggest upheaval in the monetary system for centuries’. The threat of a cashless society is one issue where the government may well face some resistance from a wide range of people. While I don’t often see eye to eye with Freedom News these days, fair play to them for publishing this: In Praise of Cash.
With the looming threat of digital identity and a cashless economy and society becoming more likely, we’re moving closer to that point where our movements and everything we buy become even more trackable than they are already. Digital identity and digital cash can be manipulated and even switched off at will by the state. That is not a good place to be. If we don’t stop this trend in its tracks and reverse it, should anyone step out of line in a way that’s deemed unacceptable by the government of the day, all it would take is the press of a button and their identity and money could be wiped. It would then be incredibly difficult to live.
If that’s not enough to get you worried, there’s this as well: Boris Johnson could offer healthy eating ‘rewards’ after furious Tory backlash to tax plan. Basically, it’s an app that tracks your supermarket spending and offers you ‘rewards’ for spending more on fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and low calorie meals. What could possibly be wrong with encouraging healthy eating you ask? Well, if you take a critical look, it does seem like an incremental step in getting people used to the idea of a system of social credits. In China with their social credit system, this kind of future is already here, as detailed in this piece from Wired: The complicated truth about China’s social credit system – Nicole Kobie | Wired | June 7, 2019 Do you really want to go there?
Look, we’re all for people having the chance to eat healthy food. This is one of many posts on our sister blog, Alternative Estuary, that calls for community vegetable gardens so people can have a source of healthy food: Building community resilience – securing the food supply. The thing is, growing your own vegetables and fruit, individually or communally, isn’t something that can be tracked, monitored and rewarded by the government. It’s something that’s out of their control – they don’t like that one bit!
The heading of this post is “never let a crisis go to waste”. The last seventeen months have certainly proved that governments, corporations and shady bodies such as the World Economic Forum have leveraged and manipulated this crisis to suit their nefarious ends while screwing us mere plebs. The last week seems to have seen an acceleration of this, particularly with the number of countries almost simultaneously announcing and implementing plans for vaccine passports. It’s like a form of shock doctrine – overwhelm a public desperate to get back to what they think is some kind of normality by announcement after announcement of proposed measures while constantly shifting the goalposts. Throw in some divide and rule by getting the vaccinated and unvaccinated at each other’s throats and its job done – you have the populace under control and doing your bidding.
Or so they think… As I’ve mentioned previously, the coming couple of months are crucial in derailing the plans for vaccine passports. That would buy us the time needed to defeat the push towards digital identity. If that can be defeated, then the push towards a cashless economy and society plus any notion of trying it on with a form of social credits can be sorted out in a clearing up operation. Ambitious? We have to be – we’re fighting for our futures. The saving grace is that a decent number of people who have already been vaccinated think the push towards vaccine passports is a step too. If the divide and rule merchants can be kept at bay, we’ve got a fighting chance…