The Oxford dictionary defines “police state” thusly: “a country where people’s freedom, especially to travel and to express political opinions, is controlled by the government, with the help of the police”.
You Can’t be Anti-State & Pro-Lock-down – A response to “Anarchy, Lock-downs, and Crypto-Eugenics”
anarchism and any ideology promoting the implementation of draconian measures such as lock-downs and curfews are mutually exclusive, and that this should be self-evident. How can one both be against the state and in favour of state control?
In Defence of Religious Freedom
If you have a heart in your chest that beats, and lungs that breathe and blood that pulses through you, you should realize now that you’ve got do something to stand up to this insanity. The existence of a virus does not justify prohibiting basic human activities like coming together to sing, to pray, and to affirm and cultivate community bonds.
Fuck you, Fuck your court, Fuck the Crown & the Queen you serve
The law, in every country, is created by its ruling class, according to the interests and inclinations of that class. What you are saying is, in effect, Might makes Right, and in doing so you place yourself in the spiritual company of the judges of countless oppressive regimes, who have legitimized terror and torture by upholding the Law.
Defending Indigenous Sovereignty
It is time to start creating communities that are both able to sustain themselves on their own terms, and able to maintain their autonomy from the ever-present threats of industry and state.
After a years-long, hard-fought campaign against Line 9, which employed a diversity of tactics, from lobbying to legal battles to direct action, Line 9 transported crude to a refinery in Montreal on December 3, 2015. On December 7, we shut it down.
It’s normal to share
Unless you venture out and seek out examples of existing intentional communities, they might seem like a naive fantasy. Once you visit a functional community, it just seems natural that people should live together in such a way.
The Feeblest Head of the Hydra: Oil Spills = Occupations
Stopping a new pipeline doesn’t make the world a better place – it just keeps it from getting worse. I don’t know about you, but I’m thirsty for something more.
People’s Monday: A weekly celebration of the lives of people murdered by police
In February of this year, Black Lives Matter activists in NYC marked the third anniversary of weekly march called the People’s Monday. This group did something that I haven’t participated in before, which I think could be a useful tactic in many instances.
Activism as Spirituality
I remember many times where my passion for my activist work was very much akin to the passion that one carries into an exciting new romance, an energy that comes from a seemingly inexhaustible force coming from within, yet not coming from oneself, but from a source much greater than oneself.
The rebels will return
I have always been proud to be an anarchist. That is why it pains me to have had to say that there are today some fundamental problems at the very heart of the anarchist movement, problems which reach deep into the very way it thinks and feels.
Smash vitaphobia!
Here already we are in the realm of separation, a lost awareness of our shared belonging with all that lives outside our personal experience, a psychological retreat into the narrowest and shallowest levels of identity which are defined in terms of what, and who, they are not.
Denying reality: a dangerous delusion
In destroying the full metaphysical meaning of words like “essence”, “nature” or “universal” by means of their straw man constructs, the conformists of contemporary goodthink are destroying our connection to reality.
The Death Machine
This relentless, hateful and frenzied assault on all that is living is what the Death Machine likes to call Progress.
How to Win World War Three
World War Three started (for the United States) on March 13, 2020. This was when the National Emergency was declared. All federal, state & small governments were occupied by corporate interests and a war on people was waged.
Cruelty of the COVID Cancel Culture
by Book of Ours Many of us knew medical apartheid was coming when the National Emergency was declared on March 13, 2020. Many of us […]
‘Freedom’ deferred…
In an ideal world, freedom wouldn’t be for the government of the day to gift or deny us. Freedom should be our inalienable right as autonomous human beings. We live in a far from ideal world – not that any of us need reminding of that grim reality.
Money, lies and power
With the totalitarian measures being introduced on the back of the Covid panic, it looks as if the ruling class has decided to ditch the pretence of “liberal democracy”. Will money be the next illusion to be dispensed with?