Any position that doesn’t opposes the power of the state, will eventually only reinforce it and thus open up the way for the next cycle of crises provoked by the state and capitalism
Against 5G & the Digitalization of Our Lives
The 5G network is the essential infrastructure for the realisation of the ‘smart planet’: a world of hyper-connected devices able to constrain all human dreams and needs along predetermined paths.
We still have one thing that is really dangerous. We have an idea. An idea worth taking risks for, worth wagering what’s left of our lives on.
Rethinking safety, risk and collective care in COVID policy and discourse
Any time corporate media and professional managerial/media class people have a strong unified narrative around what is moral, it is a good idea to think very critically about what’s going on.
Endgame Ethics
It is exactly the hardest of times that demand we act upon our principles. Standing strong in your ethics is not hard when they are not being challenged!
Transhumanism = Eugenics
During a change, some things change but others can stay the same, whereas metamorphosis is a total and radical transformation which affects everything that makes up the human being and everything living. This metamorphosis, once complete,will be irreversible.
Towards a New Black International!
‘Dark Nights’ because we found each other during these dark times, we do not fear them, instead we as anarchists see the moment between sunset and dawn as the moment to attack, to strike the powerful in their hearts, to make fear change sides.
On the ethics of torching vaccination centres
A flick of the lighter, the whole thing catches fire, and the silhouettes disappear into the night.
Dealing with the new (ab)normal – a situation report
This was first published on The Stirrer Yet again, this is another attempt to try and assess where we are in these weird, disconcerting and […]
Brighton & England in the time of Convid
Nevermore Media is pleased to present this original report from a veteran anarchist from Brighton, England.
What Are We Even Arguing About?
by John Duffy
It happens in war that often the point is lost, and people continue to fight just because all they can remember is fighting.
The Great Battle for the Future
It is crucial to break free from the idea that “Progress” is a kind of predestination taking us towards a hyper-industrial destiny.
“Never let a crisis go to waste”
The Estuary Stirrer This was the post I put up a week ago on Monday, July 19th, the day we supposedly got our freedom back: […]
Los rebeldes volveran!
Siempre he estado orgulloso de ser anarquista. Estoy orgulloso de haber encontrado mi camino hacia el anarquismo hace unos 30 años, orgulloso de haber aprendido […]