Our dignity in quarantine – 
A report from anarchists in Greece

It is not a matter of denying the actual existence of a virus going around, but to realize that the knowledge of its characteristics, how it spreads, how it can be tackled, but also the data concerning its impact, is in the hands of scientists around the globe, who often don’t agree even among themselves about how to interpret them or what practical conclusions they would entail.

If Truth is the First Casualty of War, then who are we fighting?

Furthermore, it should be pointed out that social media platforms are scrubbing their platforms of any information deemed to be contrary to the recommendations of Public Health. This type of censorship works to create a type of groupthink by making criticism of lockdown measures seem like an extremist ideology, by placing it outside the bounds of what it is acceptable to say. The next logical step is the persecution of thoughtcrime, the imprisonment of dissidents & undesirables.

Our position on the Covid-19 Crisis

All of this prompted us to start asking some serious questions about the narrative we were being fed. That involved a fair bit of reading around and keeping an open mind. Yes, that process did take us into some weird areas that were veering towards what some would term as conspiracy theory. It also led us to take a look at some of the alt right takes on the issue so we could understand how they were exploiting people’s concerns about the lockdown for their own ends. All of this was a necessary research process that helped with our building the list of COVID-19 crisis readings on this blog. A list that we’re prepared to defend as not, in our opinion, going anywhere near conspiracy theory.

Kissing is Prohibited

However, if Dominion wants us totally dependent on it, if the State cancels social and in part also economic life, that means that we don’t need the State. That we can self-organize our initiatives, our forms of education, our economies, our leisure. And also in this case we don’t need to resort to science fiction but to experience, memory, our will and courage.

Notre dignité en quarantaine – 
Un rapport d’anarchistes sur la Grèce

Quel virus? Présentement, on ne peut le savoir. Toutes les informations, nombres et statistiques qui justifient le confinement imposé est entre les mains du gouvernement et des spécialistes qui travaillent à son service. Ce n’est pas un déni de l’existence du virus qui court, mais la reconnaissance de ses caractéristiques, de sa propagation comment y faire face.

Camarades chilien.nes sur la crise du COVID

L’État décrète par la loi que les citoyen.nes sont sa propriété et il peut en disposer comme il l’entend. L’état d’urgence n’est pas imposé pour des raisons de santé ou pour le bien-être de la population, mais pour imposer des règles et pour inculquer la discipline. C’est en effet, le moyen le plus sûr d’obtenir l’obéissance, de semer la terreur et la peur.