We live in a media saturated age. We get bombarded with adverts pretty much all the time, trying to convince us that if we don’t buy their product or use their service, we’re somehow inadequate. Bombarded to the point that a growing number of people simply want to switch off.
You Cannot Break Us
“The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.” —John F. Kennedy
This Independence Day, let us celebrate the indomitable nature of truth, the infectious spirit of freedom, and the resilience that empowers us to triumph over adversity.
A search for some spiritual depth…
Recognising our place in nature means an awareness of the passing of the seasons and the changes that brings. It’s about the celebrations and rituals that mark the passing of the year from the winter solstice, Imbolc, the spring equinox, Beltane, through to the summer solstice and back via the autumn equinox.
The new anarchism: revolution without healing is a recipe for disaster
In assocation with Winter Oak, we have produced an expanded version of Crow Qu’appelle’s booklet of conversations with Paul Cudenec, featuring this interview, not originally included in the collection. We have […]
Future shock?
Comparing what we face now with what we faced in the 1970s is not comparing like for like. With a smartphone in your pocket and left on by the bedside table at night, you can be plugged into the doom cycle pretty much 24/7.
The money behind the smears
by Paul Cudenec Back in 2020 I was on the receiving end of a lot of vitriol from so-called “anarchists” who objected to the fact that I refused […]
Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists: Part 2 – Apostasy
In Part 1 of this essay series we focused on the preaching of the Vaccine Evangelists. Now we will review the work of Vaccine Apostates […]
When change comes rapidly and it feels like we’re being hit by one thing after another, it’s inevitable that we’re all going to suffer from some form of what can best be described as future shock. After the last few years, it really does feel like a lot of us are suffering from some degree of future shock.
Ode to a Whistleblower
I am republishing my poem Ode to a Whistleblower to honor the memory of Whistleblowers’ Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg (April 7, 1931–June 16, 2023) and shine a light on the looming extradition of his treasured friend Julian Assange.
Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists: Part 1 – The Evangelists
Vaccine Evangelists preach, and have long been preaching, the doctrine of Salvation Through Vaccination in which they credit vaccines as having brought us deliverance from the high mortality rates, especially among infants and children in the 19th and early 20th centuries, caused by massive yearly numbers of deaths attributed to infectious diseases.
Why Are Women Leaving Feminism?
“Being feminine is not a style you cosplay . . . Femininity is about women’s connection to Life, women’s roles as stewards of the Land, women as Protectors, as connected, intuitive Beings, and as Lifegivers. Reclaiming femininity is so much more than a costume you put on.”
We can’t go on like this…
The title of this piece is ‘We can’t go on like this’. We genuinely can’t if we want a just, sane and sustainable future for the whole of humanity. At some point, sooner rather than later, the grip that the global super rich have over us has to be broken, once and for all. Their transhumanist, techno-fascist dystopia has to be shown up for exactly what it is and utterly destroyed.
Building for change from the base upwards
It’s about working towards how we should be living. That’s living in a community where people have an attachment and connection to the village, town or city neighbourhood they live in and the people they live alongside.
Remembering Gerard Van der Leun: Bon Voyage, — Mon Semblable, — Mon Frère!
“Sorry but I am dealing with some health issues that require I conserve my efforts. I do admire your work intensely and hope to help along to the extent of my ability. Best Christmas to you and God Bless.” When I read those words from American Digest publisher Gerard Van der Leun on Christmas, I did not realize they would be the last ones he would write to me.
Supporting Animal Ag is Antithetical to Supporting Freedom
Fundamentally, the pro-freedom movement’s defense of meat consumption is flawed on many levels. . . Pro-freedom groups ignore the close relationship Animal Ag has with Big Pharma, government, and lobbyists.
Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
“Where there’s no danger, there’s no courage.… Anyone can ‘endure’ security and well-being. The real challenges—the ones that force our endurance to grow from mere perseverance into true courage—arise in the face of hazard. So it is with moral courage, where danger is endured for the sake of an overarching commitment to conscience, principles, or core values.”
—Rushworth Kidder, Moral Courage
Narrowing down the parameters of discussion
I’m far from the only person feeling that the parameters of what can and cannot be discussed and debated these days have been narrowed down over the last few decades. A tendency that for a variety of reasons, has accelerated over the last decade.
The Simple Life: Back to the Future
A swim in the lake on a summery day in May. Baking bread and doing the dishes. Selling from a stall in the Saturday Market; […]