What next?

The illusion of stability that Queen Elizabeth II somehow managed to convey during her reign will be seen as just that – an illusion. One that will disappear as the harsh reality of a society in the first stages of collapse impacts upon everyone’s lives. When people’s illusions get shattered, there’s no way of telling how they’re going to react.

A winter of discontent?

The only prediction we will make is that when the anger does explode, it’s going to be contradictory and messy. It’s going to be a bumpy ride and if we’re going to make any headway, we need to have our wits about us and be flexible and creative in how we react in what will be a turbulent and complex situation.

A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation

I had the great honor of being interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg during Session 111: “Reconstellation” of the Corona Investigative Committee, whose heroic fact-finding discussions with hundreds of physicians, scientists, and other experts since July 2020 have formed a crucial part of my own education.

Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship: Part 3

Given the zest with which Yuval Noah Harari pontificates about global digital surveillance dictatorships, you may be inclined to think he is advocating these scenarios. When you see the context that has been excised from these clips, however, it becomes clear he is actually warning against such nightmarish outcomes.