Endgame Ethics
It is exactly the hardest of times that demand we act upon our principles. Standing strong in your ethics is not hard when they are not being challenged!
Transhumanism = Eugenics
During a change, some things change but others can stay the same, whereas metamorphosis is a total and radical transformation which affects everything that makes up the human being and everything living. This metamorphosis, once complete,will be irreversible.
Towards a New Black International!
‘Dark Nights’ because we found each other during these dark times, we do not fear them, instead we as anarchists see the moment between sunset and dawn as the moment to attack, to strike the powerful in their hearts, to make fear change sides.
On the ethics of torching vaccination centres
A flick of the lighter, the whole thing catches fire, and the silhouettes disappear into the night.
Brighton & England in the time of Convid
Nevermore Media is pleased to present this original report from a veteran anarchist from Brighton, England.
What Are We Even Arguing About?
by John Duffy
It happens in war that often the point is lost, and people continue to fight just because all they can remember is fighting.
The Great Battle for the Future
It is crucial to break free from the idea that “Progress” is a kind of predestination taking us towards a hyper-industrial destiny.
Los rebeldes volveran!
Siempre he estado orgulloso de ser anarquista. Estoy orgulloso de haber encontrado mi camino hacia el anarquismo hace unos 30 años, orgulloso de haber aprendido […]
Splitting Hairs to Thunderous Applause
How Dr. Fauci Lies to the Media’s Approval
by John Duffy
Rediscovering anarcho-perennialism
The quest for real values takes us much deeper, into the pursuit of the ancient wisdom that can be found at the heart of the world’s religions.
Anarchism has only one commandment: Thou shalt not rule. This is the only barrier which anarchism offers egoism. However, anarchist-egoism grants a thousand liberties which are forbidden in today’s society.
Envisioning a Post-Western World
If the society produced in Europe through centuries of bloody violence and subsequently unleashed to ravage the entire planet can be thought of as “civilization,” an intelligent human being can only conclude that this civilization is something which must be eradicated so thoroughly as to never again be obtainable.
Little Hitlers and Big Hitlers.
This is the defining moment of all our lives for it will define the lives of those who come after us. It will define our children’s view of us. Those who do not stand on their behalf now for their freedom are their enslavers.
Love Has Been Abolished
The task is to be a voice of reason in the midst of this mass psychosis.. The task is to awaken the masses from the trance they are in, dispel the fear that is governing them, and remind them of what gives their lives meaning.
Still Free
my true rebellion is in my refusal to submit to a lie that paralyzes the world
like a tuft of grass i sway with the wind
still free