While random acts of violence aren’t new, they have been on the rise. In many places, random acts of violence are increasing, reverting a decades long trend of decline in stranger attacks. This is the New Normal Nihilism.
Do You Remember? (Video)
One of the deepest joys of my Substack journey has been connecting with members of my karass from nearly every cranny of the globe as we pool our knowledge, efforts, and talents to resist tyranny; awaken the sleeping; save lives; restore liberty; and work toward justice.
What is the Zeitgeist in Your Country?
We are currently soliciting reports from correspondents in different parts of the world about the political situation in their locales.
Dealing with the new (ab)normal – a situation report
This was first published on The Stirrer Yet again, this is another attempt to try and assess where we are in these weird, disconcerting and […]
Brighter Future
The world wide push towards authoritarianism under the pretext of a faux pandemic is coercing nearly every aspect of society into its respective pen, which means that nearly everyone is in a position to become a wrench in the gears.
Us Vs. Them
It’s very simple, really. An ultra-rich, extremely powerful technocratic mafia is trying to enslave humankind for its own profit.
Anarchists and the Coronavirus
Posted on April 3, 2020 by winter oak Special report Moments of crisis like the one we are currently experiencing can allow us to see […]
For Nature and Freedom!
Posted on May 11, 2021 by winter oak Three years ago we published an article explaining how the idea of a nature-based philosophy had been […]
Welcome to Nevermore!
We have watched over the proceeding year, meekly, quietly, as other anarchists have toed the lines drawn by state bureaucrats. We have remained silent whilst witnessing acts of hostility towards those who have refused to comply with state mandates. No longer. Nevermore.