This is not a comprehensive list of ways people can start to quietly withdraw their consent from a toxic system. To come up with such a list would be arrogant. All we want to do with this piece is offer some pointers and get people to start the process of thinking how they can circumvent and undermine a system that’s geared up to serve the elites and actively works against our hopes and aspirations.
Readings on the ever deepening weirdness we’re in
So there you have it, three readings which I hope will shed more light on why we’re in the weird situation we’re in at this point in time. Some of us saw what was coming and exited the anarchist movement. Many sadly did not see what was coming and effectively allowed themselves to be captured.
We can’t go on like this…
The title of this piece is ‘We can’t go on like this’. We genuinely can’t if we want a just, sane and sustainable future for the whole of humanity. At some point, sooner rather than later, the grip that the global super rich have over us has to be broken, once and for all. Their transhumanist, techno-fascist dystopia has to be shown up for exactly what it is and utterly destroyed.
My Croatian Weekly (Hrvatski Tjednik) Interview
After being on the questioning end of Dissident Dialogues interviews for luminaries such as CJ Hopkins and Meredith Miller, I switched roles for this written interview conducted by Vanja Vinković on behalf of Croatian Weekly (Hrvatski Tjednik), an ad-free, print-only publication he describes as “the most-read newspaper in Croatia.”
Why do I do this to myself?
Why has the frustration and pain of being an activist got worse? I’ll try to explain. I used to be very tribal. Once I’d found a political home, I’d defend it and my comrades vigorously. Any nagging doubts I had were packed away in a box and hidden in a dark cupboard. That was until the point when it started to become clear that what I thought was a ‘for ever’ political home was changing and going off in a direction I couldn’t travel in.
What next? Dystopia?
We’ve tended to write about dystopia as something to fear in the future. That was a mistake, a massive one to be honest. Why is that? You only have to look at the state of the world as it currently is to realise that to all intents and purposes, we’re living in a dystopia right now.
Where the f**k do we go from here?
That’s it, we’re done with what passes for an anarchist ‘movement’ in this country. While we still adhere to what we regard as anarchist principles, it needs to be known that we want nothing to do with this ‘movement’.
Some thoughts on resisting the Fourth Industrial Revolution
One of the key aspects of the 4IR that we’re dealing with is that of disassociation… That’s disassociation from nature which we’re supposed to be a part of but instead, have exploited to the point where it may not be able to properly sustain us in the future.
Activating the power of life
The first step is to see through its smokescreen of lies and distraction to grasp that the threat to our existence comes not from “the virus” but from the system using this as a device for its own corrupt ends.
Breaking and re-making us
One part of the strategy and tactics being deployed against us is persuading a significant chunk of the populace to do the dirty work of divide and rule for you. Having an atomised, frightened populace makes the project of breaking and re-making us that much easier. Atomisation is a key part of the process.
Transhumanism = Eugenics
During a change, some things change but others can stay the same, whereas metamorphosis is a total and radical transformation which affects everything that makes up the human being and everything living. This metamorphosis, once complete,will be irreversible.
Transhumanism is our enemy
he threat of transhumanism has become so real because of the failure of the myopic left even to identify, let alone challenge, the danger, and its gullible swallowing of politically-correct industrialist spin.
Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset
Orignally posted on October 5, 2020 by winter oak Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany, a police-state […]
Are you ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
( In the context of North American anarchism, surprisingly little has been written about the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The same cannot be said of the […]