Here already we are in the realm of separation, a lost awareness of our shared belonging with all that lives outside our personal experience, a psychological retreat into the narrowest and shallowest levels of identity which are defined in terms of what, and who, they are not.
Denying reality: a dangerous delusion
In destroying the full metaphysical meaning of words like “essence”, “nature” or “universal” by means of their straw man constructs, the conformists of contemporary goodthink are destroying our connection to reality.
The Death Machine
This relentless, hateful and frenzied assault on all that is living is what the Death Machine likes to call Progress.
How to Win World War Three
World War Three started (for the United States) on March 13, 2020. This was when the National Emergency was declared. All federal, state & small governments were occupied by corporate interests and a war on people was waged.
Cruelty of the COVID Cancel Culture
by Book of Ours Many of us knew medical apartheid was coming when the National Emergency was declared on March 13, 2020. Many of us […]
‘Freedom’ deferred…
In an ideal world, freedom wouldn’t be for the government of the day to gift or deny us. Freedom should be our inalienable right as autonomous human beings. We live in a far from ideal world – not that any of us need reminding of that grim reality.
Money, lies and power
With the totalitarian measures being introduced on the back of the Covid panic, it looks as if the ruling class has decided to ditch the pretence of “liberal democracy”. Will money be the next illusion to be dispensed with?
Guided by the light of life
by Paul Cudenec The last year has been an extremely disorientating one for those who have always used a traditional political compass to navigate their […]
Transhumanism is our enemy
he threat of transhumanism has become so real because of the failure of the myopic left even to identify, let alone challenge, the danger, and its gullible swallowing of politically-correct industrialist spin.
What are we actually up against?
’m writing this as an anarchist and in this piece, I reflect on and try to understand why the anarchist movement has, to put it bluntly, failed to step up to the plate when it comes to providing a pole of attraction for the many people who have found lockdown difficult and who have deep fears about the direction we’re heading in.
(U.K.) Breaking through the wall of power
“The powerful know that anti-lockdown resistance is equivalent to the French Yellow Vests. They are not protesting for abstract political reasons, they are fighting – peacefully for now – for their lives, their livelihoods, for their children and grandchildren – and they are not going away”.
Has Naomi Klein Sold Her Soul?
In 2021, Naomi Klein is no longer warning us about the global ruling class’s “Shock Doctrine” but, cynically and hypocritically, helping to advance it.
The Big Bad Variants are Coming to Kill You
Alpha’s and Betas and Deltas, oh my! That’s right baby, variants of SARS-CoV-2 abound, and they’re coming to get’chya!
Shallow Ecology, Deep Ecology and the Dance of Nature.
One is political and one is spiritual. Both claim to seek in different ways to address the vast ecological crisis that we are now facing.
Of course we all know that face masks are basically mouth condoms. It’s just that it’s easier when you can blame hostility towards your kin […]
Australia – Envy of the world or dystopian purgatory? by Markus Sprig As covid continues its inevitable spread across the globe, Australia remains a poster […]
What happens next?
From Dave at Estuary Stirrings On Saturday 29 May, I attended a #UniteForFreedom anti-lockdown / anti-great reset protest in London – this was the write […]
Illiberalism, Science and Anti-Science
1/Illiberals have a strange relationship with science. It seems that they decided at some point that science was on their side. Strangely, illiberals assume that […]